I am packed up and heading to Anaheim, CA for the CHA Mega Show 2014. If you will be there please stop by. I will be at Booth #1571:
I have a great love for this industry and look forward to sharing the fun from the the trade show floor. I have attended this show and many others in so many different capacities and this year I find myself excited for things happening in my own Studio too. I will work hard with Viewtainer and I am taking along my travel journal, some art supplies for my down time. I also look forward to some plans in the area along with seeing old and meeting friends which I love!!
Miss my Studio but I will be back in it soon enough....Anaheim or Bust!
"Living your dream is really just a matter of proper lifestyle alignment. It’s about being true to yourself, and realizing that where you are at any given moment is exactly where you want to be. Thus, happiness and success in life is simply the gratifying combination of liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking who you do it with."
Safe trip . have fun and will be waiting to hear all about it.....
Posted by: Marion Armitage | Saturday, January 11, 2014 at 09:35 AM
Thanks Marion! I hope to post a recap this week! It was great but I am happy to be home and in my own Studio!
Posted by: Tracy Weinzapfel | Friday, January 17, 2014 at 11:23 AM